Google + is open for business

Google + is becoming a powerful force amongst social networks and is gaining popularity amongst marketers around the world.

Why should your business consider Google + particularly if you have invested time and resources into your Facebook presence?

According to recent Forrester research Google + has more users than people think and delivers strong brand engagement.

Here are some further reasons for adding it to your business social media program:

  • Being Google-owned, Google prefers Google + posts and gives them priority.
  • You rank better with Google + as posts are indexed almost immediately; and Google Search sees Google+ pages just like standard websites and allocates them a PageRank.
  • It’s growing fast
  • Turns your customers into your promoters. Google + Communities provides a great forum for your customers to better share information about you and your products.
  • Credibility is given to authors via Google Authorship.
  • Google’s Data Liberation Policy means you can take your data and leave, at any time.
  • As it is integrated with many other Google products, Google + can act as an easy-to-manage dashboard sitting across the top of all of them.
  • You can create targeted, niche messages for your greatest supporters.
  • Allows easy sharing of content with your VIPs.
  • Helps you manage and segment the content you want to share with your target audience.

Google Plus might not be the leading search engine but it packs a powerful punch.

Fatpublisher provides social media management advice and services to our clients. If you are interested in finding out about these services, please contact us.


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