Social media and the tertiary education sector

As social media becomes an everyday reality for more people around the world it is set to take on a bigger role in the tertiary education sector.

Most students today are digital natives and more teachers and staff are becoming social media-aware. Consequently, the sector will increasingly be staffed by those who understand the benefits of being connected online.

This means that educational institutions should stay across trends in social media to ensure they engage with their stakeholders and stay competitive in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Social trends in education

Easier collaboration – any time, anywhere. The potential for social media to act as a collaborative tool for the education sector is considerable. Social media has the potential to help break down silos within institutions and provide a richer more diverse environment.

More personal learning – with distance education now an established reality, students are increasingly removed from the physical location of their education. This is at the expense of social and networking interactions. Social media can address these issues as educators can more easily connect with students on a person-to-person basis to teach and collaborate.

Strengthen Culture – As students are increasingly off-campus social media can help to develop a sense of belonging.

Alumni relations – social media can be a great way to connect and involve past students and encourage their participation in the institution – a relationship that is often mutually beneficial.

Better customer experience – increasingly universities need to attract full fee-paying students in a competitive marketplace. Social media can provide a great avenue to interact with prospective students.

Fatpublisher provides social media services to our clients. If you are interested in finding out about our social media packages, please contact us.


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